NEBRA’s 20th Annual Meeting
October 27, 2017
Burlington VT

Thirty NEBRA members and guests attended this year’s meeting, at which two important new developments were presented by the Board and staff: a new, simplified fee structure – watch for details coming to you soon and plan accordingly – and a final draft “Vision 2021” strategic plan for NEBRA.  This strategic plan, which is available on the NEBRA “members only” webpage (contact the office for the passcode), includes aggressive goals to increase membership and the budget to ensure another 20 years strong for NEBRA – including an ultimate transition to a new Executive Director several years from now.  Members are encouraged to provide feedback to the NEBRA office or Board members. 

Four members of the Board of Directors were re-elected to new, 3-year terms, so that the Board remains the same for the next year (see the Board page).  Chris Hubbard was thanked especially for his work on sponsorships and the silent auction, and Charlie Alix and Mike Lannan were recognized for their work in creating the Fields of Dreams annual summer fundraiser (next year’s event will be at the Manchester, NH Monarchs).  Committees reported on their activities, and a new slate of officers was approved:  Mike Lannan as President, Tom Schwartz as Vice President, Andrew Carpenter as Treasurer, and Isaiah Lary as Secretary.

Board member Lise LeBlanc, who made the long trek from Nova Scotia, announced next year’s NEBRA conference – to be in Halifax, September 19-21.  That’s where our 2018 Annual Meeting will be.  See you there!  (In 2019, NEBRA will team up with NEWEA, once again, for our annual conference.)